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Local Chan Meditation Groups

Local meditation groups offer an opportunity for people meet together for Chan (Chinese Zen) meditation.

What happens at these groups?

Most of our groups can teach Buddhist meditation to beginners who want to learn to meditate, and they also welcome experienced practitioners who may not need any instruction.

They are not usually run as formal teaching classes. They combine the functions of a class with meditation instruction for newcomers and a peer support group for experienced meditators who find practising meditation together supportive in maintaining and developing their practice.

Usually there is opportunity for readings, questions, and discussion, and sometimes also some social activities. Some groups also organise occasional half-day, full-day, or longer meditation retreats.

Map and directory of local meditation groups

Online groups

During COVID lockdowns, many of our groups operated online and some continue to do so, often welcoming participation from people outside their usual area. 

Our Online Events page gives a list of activities available to join

Western Chan Fellowship Groups

WCF groups are those groups whose leader is appointed by the Western Chan Fellowship and whose activities closely follow the Objects of the WCF constitution. Typically they will practice Chan (Chinese Zen) meditation and at least one of their members can give Buddhist meditation instruction to newcomers.

Open to all

All groups welcome newcomers, whether you have never tried meditation before or are a seasoned practitioner from another tradition. Some groups are open to you just turning up on the day, while others require you to contact them in advance.

Locate your nearest group by browsing the list on the left or by looking at the Google Map of group locations, then view their contact and meeting details.

Other Groups

There are some other independent Chan groups which are not managed by or part of WCF (though some of them may become so in the future).

These groups are independent from the WCF but we maintain a friendly and mutually supportive relationship with a mutual interest in Chan Buddhism. We provide details on the ‘other groups’ page so that you may contact them if you wish.

Other Contacts

We also list:

  • Local Contacts - some areas do not currently have active groups, but we have contacts there who may be past group members, or who may be planning on forming a group in the future, or who may simply be able to help you with local activities.
  • Overseas Groups and Contacts

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2005-2025. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.