Cardiff Chan Group
We meet every two weeks on Tuesdays from 7pm to 9pm at Samye Ling Centre (248 Cowbridge Road East). These sessions are also available to attend online.
We also meet every two months at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff from 2pm to 4pm on the 1st Saturday of Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep and Nov.
Our sessions include a short liturgy, sitting meditation, walking meditation, readings and sometimes discussion.
If you would like to make contact please email or text
- Paul Brennan by email or tel 0797 386 7977
- or Peter Morgan on 07809 677 213
©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2018. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.
The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.