Manchester Chan Group
Chinese Zen Meditation
The main focus of the group is Chan as practiced by the Western Chan Fellowship, but we are an open group and so membership and discussions may encompass other Buddhist traditions.
The group is led by Fiona Nuttall, who is the first Dharma Heir of Simon Child, the Teacher of the Western Chan Fellowship.
Thursday Evenings
Please note that the Thursday evening meetings have been discontinued.
Sutra Study Group
The next meeting is on Saturday 12th April, 2025, at the usual time of 2pm at the Friends Meeting House in Central Manchester.
We are starting a new text this time, a translation of a chapter of the Flower Garland Sutra. The book we will be using is: The Manifestation of the Tathagata, tr Cheng Chien Bhikshu pub Wisdom.
For further details and updates email
Day Retreats
When the date has booked for our next day retreat we shall announce it here. We hold these at the Elms Community Centre, in Whitefield. Please plan to arrive between 9:30 and 10am, so that we can start promptly at 10am. Please email us if you intend to attend, so that we can advise you in the event of any changes to the arrangements.
The Elms Community Centre is easily accessible by Metrolink or bus from Manchester. If you need a lift from the Whitefield Metrolink station to the Elms Centre (about 400 yards walk) let us know and we may be able to arrange for someone to meet you.
Free car parking is available in the centre car park and also on the street outside the centre.
We aim to finish by about 15:30, leaving us time to pack up and be out by 16:00.
Details of the Day Retreats
These day retreats ("zazenkai") are led by Fiona Nuttall Zhijing Fahong who is a Dharma heir of Simon Child in the Dharma Drum tradition of Chan Master Shengyen.
Personal interviews are usually available for those who wish to discuss their Dharma practice.
The main purpose for a day retreat is to provide an extended period of meditation practice, spending the day in silence and doing several sessions of Buddhist meditation. There may be a Dharma talk or practice instruction.
Lunch is also taken in silence, and is provided by each participant bringing some vegetarian food to share.
Typical schedule
- 9:30am Arrive, arrange room, have tea/coffee.
- 10:00 Recite the Heart Sutra or another text
- 10:05 Dharma Talk
- 10:45 Sitting Meditation
- 11:15 Standing Yoga Exercises
- 11:30 Sitting Meditation
- 12:00 Slow Walking Meditation
- 12:15 Sitting Meditation
- 12:45 Prepare Lunch
- 13:00 Lunch
- 13:30 Washing up
- 14:00 Sitting Meditation
- 14:30 Standing Yoga Exercises
- 14:45 Sitting Meditation
- 15:15 Tea, Rearrange room
- 16:00 End
If you have your own meditation cushion/bench then please try to bring them with you as we do not have many spares. Please also bring a mat or blanket to place on the lino floor. There are plenty of suitable chairs available for those who prefer to sit on a chair.
There is no charge for attendance at the day retreats, though donations in the region of £20 per person are welcomed towards the room-hire costs.
Please remember to bring a contribution towards the shared vegetarian lunch. If you have special dietary needs please ensure you bring with you sufficient suitable food, since with a 'potluck' lunch we cannot be sure to meet your needs.
Contact for further details of arrangements.
Residential Retreats
The Manchester group does not currently hold residential retreats. Please refer to the Western Chan Fellowship Retreat Programme.
©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2004. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.
The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.