The Western Chan Fellowship

Chan is the Chinese ancestor of Zen Buddhism. The Western Chan Fellowship is an association of lay Chan practitioners, a lay Sangha, based in the UK. We are registered as a charity in England and Wales, but we also have contacts in Europe, principally in Poland, Croatia and Switzerland, and also in USA. Our Zen retreats and other activities are open equally to both Buddhists and non-Buddhists.

Zen retreat, Buddhist retreat, meditation retreat, silent retreat

We lead a range of different types of Buddhist meditation retreats at centres in England and Wales. Some of our Zen meditation retreats follow the traditional methods of practice, and others such as our 'Western Zen Retreat' include adaptations to match the needs of Westerners. Most of our Zen retreats are silent retreats - read the retreat descriptions for details.

Peak District meditation hall for zen retreats, other meditation retreats, and other silent retreats and similar events

Zen meditation groups

We have Chan meditation groups meeting around the UK. Visit us ask about meditation and the WCF. You will find a Zen sangha helpful to support your practice and the cultivation of mindfulness in daily life.

Online meditation and discussion meetings

COVID-19 caused a halt in our in-person events but triggered a growth in our online events. In particular, some of our previously 'local' groups are now meeting online and are able and pleased to welcome participation by people who are not local to the group.

There are events held on several weekday evenings, and also weekend daytimes. Visit our Online Events page to see the full list of activities.


Our Guiding Teacher, Chan Master Simon Child, 淨宏傳法 Jing-hong Chuan-fa, is the second Western Dharma heir of the late Chan Master Sheng Yen of Taiwan, receiving Dharma Transmission in 2000. Our Founding Teacher was Master Sheng Yen's first Western Dharma Heir, Dr John Crook.

Our meditation practice

Our practice includes a variety of Buddhist meditation methods from the lineages of both Linji Chan (Japanese: Rinzai Zen) and Caodong Chan (Japanese: Soto Zen), including Gongan (Japanese: Koan), Huatou, Silent Illumination (Ch. Mo-zhao, related to Jap. Shikantaza zazen or “just sitting”), and other methods such as counting or following the breath.

Latest News

Morning of Sunday June 22nd 2025

Similar to 2023, the 2025 AGM will be held as a hybrid meeting both online and also in person at Shawbottom.

This includes an open invitation to members to take the opportunity to visit Shawbottom and stay over the weekend on a self-catering basis at no charge. An opportunity for socialising, for longer walks in the area, or whatever you prefer. If you wish to…

A questionnaire to help us plan future retreat programmes to suit you.

Please respond promptly, as we will be analysing the results about two weeks after you receive this newsletter.

It is two years since we restarted residential retreats following the ending of pandemic restrictions, and we are noticing that retreat booking numbers are lower than pre-pandemic. Clearly one factor may be…

A talk by Jake Lyne on ecodharma, now available on youTube

This 23 minute talk opens with a quote from William Shatner of Star Trek fame, the oldest person to go into space, who was profoundly shocked by the contrast between the beauty of earth from space and his understanding that life is in peril from climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Using video clips to illustrate the talk, Jake…

Western Chan Fellowship is rerunning the free online course, ‘Introduction to Meditation, Buddhism and Chan’. This consists of four weekly online 90-minute sessions led by two experienced Western Chan Fellowship group leaders, David Valentine-Hagart and Guy Roberts. It is geared towards newcomers to the WCF, but those already engaged with the WCF and interested in finding out more about the…

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©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2006, 2008-2025. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.