Complaints Procedure
The Executive Committee of the Western Chan Fellowship has agreed the following complaints procedures. These are published here so that Fellows and members of the public can know how to put forward a complaint if one arises, and can know how to expect it to be handled.
The Executive Committee commended the approach to complaints adopted in a document from Nottingham Community Health Trust:
"The purpose of a complaints procedure is to investigate complaints to the satisfaction of complainants (whilst being fair to staff) and to learn any lessons for improvement in service delivery. It is not to apportion blame."
This procedure has been devised by the committee so as to be ready to respond to any complaints, and we would like to receive constructive feedback when appropriate, but the final arbiter of any matter is the written constitution of the WCF.
Local Groups and Local Group Leaders
If a local group leader receives an oral complaint (whether from the complainant or through a third party) s/he should try to resolve it orally either:
- by themselves, or
- with the assistance of another group leader from the same group or a neighbouring group, or
- by referring the complaint to another group leader from the same group or a neighbouring group.
The complainant should be advised that if they are not satisfied with the outcome they may submit their complaint in writing to the secretary of the WCF for consideration by the Executive Committee.
If a group leader receives a written complaint s/he should forward it to the WCF Executive Committee for their consideration. The Executive Committee would consider any such written complaint and make any investigations they consider appropriate, which may include a hearing of the complainant, and notify their considered opinion in writing to the complainant.
Any complaint unresolved at this stage would amount to a expression of no confidence in the Executive Committee, and the complainant if they were a Member of the WCF could raise a motion at a general meeting of the WCF, or if the matter was such that there were appropriate outside bodies to which to refer the matter e.g. to the Charity Commissioners if there were allegations of breach of Charity rules, then the complainant, whether or not a Fellow, could take such action.
Retreats and Retreat Leaders
In relation to retreat leaders a similar policy to that of local group leaders would be followed. Complaints received orally would be responded to by the retreat leader. If unresolved a written complaint could be submitted to the Executive Committee, and any written complaint received should be submitted to the Executive Committee for their consideration as above.
Executive Committee
Any complaint against the Executive Committee or any member thereof should be submitted in writing to a member of the Executive Committee for the committee's consideration, and the complainant would receive a written response as above.
©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 1999. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.
The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.