Reply to the Venerable Abbot President
Chuan-deng Jing-di
Dear Venerable Abbot President and Friends in the Dharma,
It is with much distress that we hear of the death of our Teacher, Shifu and Patron of our Sangha. Although many of us were aware of his ill health, a death is always a shock. For me, Shifu was my spiritual father, my root teacher, and his departure brings feelings of loneliness and inadequacy as one generation passes to another. Yet also, there is immense gratitude. I have always been amazed that he passed the Dharma to me, a non-Chinese who cannot even read his language or speak it; yet, it is true, that sometimes when we met there was a direct participation with him in the Truth and this gives me courage to continue the work in the Great Matter. Shifu was to me an inspiration and a shrewd disciplinarian. He understood my wish to convey to our British Sangha the insights of Chan in ways that Westerners could best understand - and that has been my work now for years. Shifu always questioned me in depth and with challenging koan-like subtlety concerning my plans here. I am eternally grateful that my life coincided with his, we were the same age, and that I should have met him. I especially appreciated Shifu's essential simplicity. In spite of his attainments, his learning and his vast seniority there was always a flash of simple understanding between us.
It was an especial joy to introduce several local leaders of our British Sangha to him last June when we came to Dharma Drum, and to see him once more vividly himself and so present with us. My private moments with him then were an especial renewal of an understanding.
I have seriously considered coming to Taiwan for this ceremonial occasion but travelling with a very bad back and moving with a limp would cause more trouble than any help to you. I am to see a consultant next week and trust it will then be set right. Simon will be joining you. We are receiving much mail sending condolences.
I wish you, the Sangha and our friends at Dharma Drum all Dharma blessings at this time. We shall of course continue our deep relationship with you all.
John Crook.
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