Kent Chan Group
Weekly class (online)
Our meetings are held online on Thursday evenings hosted on Zoom. Although most of our members are in Kent, as the meetings are online they are of course open to anyone.
The evening runs from 7.30-9.30pm, and we ask that you please aim to have connected to the meeting by at least 7.25pm so that we can start on time. To join, simply click the link below and follow the instructions to connect to the meeting.
The regular format for our meetings is two 25-30 minute periods of sitting meditation with mindful movement practice (qigong) in between, and we give instructions about how we do those practices. We then have tea, and in the remaining time share a talk or reading on a Buddhist/Chan theme which we follow with a group discussion.
We operate on a drop-in basis, so there's no expectation of people joining every week. Newcomers and beginners are particularly welcome.
For one of our meetings each month, we have an 'extended practice evening' with more of a focus on meditation practice.
Meeting schedule
Christmas break
- Thursday 26 December - no meeting
- Thursday 2 January - no meeting
January 2025
- Thursday 9 January - meeting on (extended practice evening)
- Thursday 16 January - meeting on
- Thursday 23 January - meeting on
- Thursday 30 January - meeting on
Day retreats (in person)
In addition to our online weekly meetings, we also offer the opportunity to meet in person for more extended periods of practice. We meet at the St Benedict's Centre in West Malling, Kent - and the day runs from 10.00am to 4.30pm.
This year we will also lead an additional day retreat in London.
- Sunday 9th March 2025
- Sunday 8th June 2025
- Sunday 7th September 2025
- Saturday 11th October 2025 - Stuart will be leading an Introduction to Chan day retreat as a guest of Bodhicharya London, hosted at the Buddhist Society (
- Sunday 7th December 2025
The day of practice will include sitting and walking meditation, and other mindful movement practices. The day is best suited to anyone with prior experience of meditation practice, and we recommend you should have attended a weekly WCF class before attending.
We ask for donations of £25 to help cover the cost of the room hire. For full details about the retreat see the Kent Chan Group day retreat information pack.
Please contact Stuart (see below) to reserve your place.
Monthly half-day retreats (online)
On some months between the day retreats, we also offer a Sunday morning online practice. We will shortly publish the dates for 2025 here.
The sessions run from 9.00am to 12.00pm, and we ask that you please aim to have connected by at least 8.55am so that we can start on time. As with the full day retreats, we recommend attendance for people only with some prior experience of meditation practice.
If you are planning to attend for the first time, we would be grateful of you could let us know by sending an email to the address below.
To join on the day, simply click the link below and follow the instructions to connect to the meeting.
©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2005,2021-2025. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.
The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.