Making Contact

Follow our email advice to reduce the risk of our emails to you being rejected or lost in spam folders.

If you are unsure who to contact for your enquiry, in the first instance you could contact our Administrator.

Our postal address is: Office 7511, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US.

Contact our admin/support desk

Fill in our contact form


Our current trustees (as at 17/2/2025) are:

  • Simon Child (Guiding Teacher)
  • Jane Upton (Secretary)
  • Catherine Burns (Treasurer)
  • Alysun Jones (Safeguarding Lead)
  • Till Kroeber
  • Sian Thomas (Chair of Trustees)


Simon Child Chuan-fa Jing-hong is the Teacher of the Western Chan Fellowship.

Chair of Trustees

The Chair of trustees of the Western Chan Fellowship is Sian Thomas. You may contact her regarding any aspect of the WCF activities, unless your enquiry would be more appropriately directed to one of the other officers or to our Administrator.


The Treasurer of the Western Chan Fellowship is Catherine Burns. If you wish to make a donation to support the work of the WCF then please contact Catherine.


The Secretary of the Western Chan Fellowship is Jane Upton. You may contact her for any of the routine business of the WCF, except please note that the Treasurer deals with financial matters and donations, and the Administrator deals with membership matters and applications, New Chan Forum Subscriptions, and retreat bookings.

Safeguarding Team

For any safeguarding queries or concerns please contact our safeguarding team at


Contact the admin team for WCF for:

Volunteer Coordinator

Please contact our volunteer coordinator if you can offer any time or skills to help WCF in any way.

New Chan Forum Editor

You may submit articles, poems, photos and illustrations, etc for consideration of publication to our editor Sarah Bird at:

New Chan Forum subscriptions are handled by our: Administrator.

Cooks Coordinator

For any general matters relating to cooking on retreat, please contact our cooks' coordinator.

For matters relating to food on a retreat that you will be attending please contact the individual cook for that retreat. You will usually find the cook's contact details in your booking confirmation email.

Local Meditation Group Leaders

Meditation groups meet in several towns and cities around the UK. Locate your local group and make contact using the details found on the page for each group.

Most groups meet weekly and meditate together, sometimes with other events such as weekend retreats. Most groups include a meditation instructor who has been certificated by our Teacher.

Mailing lists

To subscribe to our newsletter / retreat programme mailings, register to create a profile on this website then visit the mailing preferences page to opt in to promotional postal and/or email mailshots.

If you are already registered, login to update your mailing preferences to opt in to promotional postal and/or email mailshots.

We have a mailing list for discussions relating to Chan, and various social media channels.

Social media accounts

Our social media accounts to which you may subscribe:

Overseas Contacts

We have contacts overseas, in Croatia, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, and USA.

Overseas Groups



New York Chan Center

For information on events in USA see the website of the New York Chan Center, which has information on Master Sheng Yen, on the retreat schedule in New York, and on their affiliates throughout the USA and worldwide.

Dharma Drum Retreat Center in Upstate New York

Retreats in New York, some led by Simon Child, are held at their wonderful rural retreat centre in the Catskill Mountains.

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2005, 2008-2025. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.