Dharma Talks, Articles, Retreat Reports, Publications

We have several hundred articles on a wide range of topics, so please browse.

Articles selected for Newcomers

Introductions to Chan and to the Western Chan Fellowship.

Retreat Reports

Reports generously submitted, mostly anonymously, by past participant in our retreats. These can give you a flavour of the retreat experience and help you to decide whether or not to dip your toe into residential Chan meditation practice for a few days.

Select from the following different types of retreat:

New Chan Forum

The journal of the Western Chan Fellowship

New Chan Forum past and current issues

Chan Meditation Center publications

Publications from the Chan Meditation Center in New York:

Free Books

Free books

Reading Lists

Reading lists

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2005. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.