A Buddhist Reading List
This reading list is for the guidance of those wishing to acquire a relatively comprehensive understanding of Buddhism, its past and its future in a global world. Naturally any choices from the vast literature available merely reflect a given individual's preferences. These are books that I have personally found useful. If you begin with these then you will soon go on to make your own reading personally creative.
The introductory list is intended for those attending retreats for the first time. The other lists are for those who want to study an issue in greater depth. All works are readably accessible for anyone with a O/A level education although naturally some texts are more demanding than others.
* A few of the more demanding, academic items are asterisked but many of these are important if you wish to gain a deeper perspective and some are difficult only in part.
The majority of these books are or will be available for consultation in the Maenllwyd Library. Arrangements for a study or reading retreat for fellows may be possible on request. Books may however NOT be borrowed nor taken from the library under any circumstances. A number of the titles listed have been contributed to the library only through kind donations from fellows. Most of the works stem from my own collection.
Obtaining Books
Books from more obscure publishers in print are often available from Amazon.co.uk or Wisdom Books. Some titles have been republished by other publishers.
Most titles below have hyperlinks to Amazon or other sellers. These are provided for your convenience, but before purchasing please take a moment to check that the link has taken you to the correct item and the correct edition - some of the referenced books are out of print and the link may take you to a different edition or even a different book.
Sections of the Reading List
- Introductory Reading for Beginners in Chan & Zen
- Study Texts in Indian Buddhism and Theravada
- Chan and Zen
- Tibetan Buddhism
- Buddhist History and Contemporary Culture
- Philosophy, Psychology and Modern Issues
- Some Sutras and Classics in English
- Introductory Books for Children
- Maenllwyd Library
Introductory Reading for Beginners in Chan & Zen
- Batchelor, M. 1998.
Principles of Zen
Thorsons. London. - Beck, C. J., 1989.
Everyday Zen
Harper. San Francisco. - Cleary, T.
Instant Zen
North Atlantic Books, Berkeley. - Crook, J.H. (ed) 1991.
Catching a Feather on a Fan
Element. Shaftesbury. - Shengyen, Master. 2002.
Illuminating Silence: The Practice of Chinese Zen
Watkins. London. - Humphreys, C. 1949.
Zen Buddhism
Heinemann. London. - Kabat-Zinn, J. 1994.
Wherever You Go There You Are
Hyperion. New York. - Kapleau, P. 1965.
The Three Pillars of Zen
Beacon Press. Boston. - Kennet, Roshi J. 1972.
Selling Water by the River
Random House. London (reissued as
Zen is Eternal Life) - Kukushi, M. 1996.
Dream Conversations on Buddhism and Zen
Shambhala. Boston/London. - Lu Kuan Yu 1960 et seq.
Chan and Zen Teachings Series 1, Series 2, Series 3 - Sheng Yen, Master. 1982.
Getting the Buddha Mind
Dharma Drum. New York. - Sheng Yen, Master.
Dharma Drum, The Life and Heart of Chan Practice
Dharma Drum. New York. - Stevens, J. 1993.
Three Zen Masters
Kodansha International. Tokyo/London. - Suzuki, S. 1970.
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
Weatherhill. New York/Tokyo. - Thich Nhat Hanh. 1974.
Zen Keys
Anchor. New York. - Uchiyama, Roshi K. 1973.
Approach to Zen
Japan Publications Inc. Tokyo. - Watts, A. 1957.
The Way of Zen
Thames and Hudson. London.
Study Texts in Indian Buddhism and Theravada
- Bunnag, J. 1973.
Buddhist Monk, Buddhist Layman: A study of Urban Monastic Organisation in Central Thailand
Cambridge University Press. - Carrithers, M. 1983.
The Buddha
Oxford Paperbacks. - Dutt, S. 1962, 1988.
Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India
Motilal Banarsidass. Delhi. - Gombrich, R. 1988.
Theravada Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Banaras to Modern Colombo
RKP. London. - Humphreys, C.
Penguin. London. - Ling, T. 1976.
The Buddha
Pelican. Penguin Books. London. - Ling, T. 1981.
The Buddha's Philosophy of Man
Early Indian Buddhist Dialogues. Everyman. London. - Nyanaponika, Thera and Hecker, H. 1997.
Great Disciples of the Buddha
Wisdom Books. Boston/London.
Chan and Zen
Further Studies and More Advanced Reading
- Blofeld, J. 1958.
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po
Buddhist Society, London. - Blofeld, J.1962.
The Zen Teaching of Instantaneous Awakening (Hui Hai)
Buddhist Publishing Group. Leicester. - Braverman, A. 1989.
Mud and Water. A collection of talks by the Zen Master Bassui
North Point. San Francisco. - * Buswell, R. E. 1983.
The Korean Approach to Zen: The collected works of Chinul
University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. - Buswell, R.E.1992.
The Zen Monastic Experience
U.P. Princeton. - Chang, G.C.C. 1972.
The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: the Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism
Allen and Unwin. London. - Cleary, T. 1997.
The Five Houses of Zen
Shambhala. Boston/London. - Leighten,T.D. and Yi Wu. 1991.
Cultivating the Empty Field. The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi
North Point. San Francisco. - * Dumoulin, H. 1979.
Zen Enlightenment, Origins and Meaning
Weatherhill. New York/Tokyo. - * Holmes Welch, 1967.
The Practice of Chinese Buddhism 1900-1950
Harvard U.P. Cambridge, Mass. - Kasulis, T.P. 1981.
Zen Action-Zen Person
University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. - Kraft, K. (ed) 1988.
Zen Tradition and Transition
Rider. London. - Leggett, T. 1978.
Zen and the Ways
Routledge and Kegan Paul. London. - Loori, J.D. 1999.
Teachings of the Insentient
Dharma Communications. Mt Tremper, NY. - * Lu Kuan Yu. 1964.
The Secrets of Chinese Meditation
Rider. London. - * Nishiyama, K. and J. Stevens.
Dogen Zenji: Shobogenzo. The Eye and Treasury of the True Law, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
4 vols. Nakayama Shobo. Tokyo. - Schloegl, I. 1975.
The Wisdom of the Zen Masters
Sheldon. London. - Schloegl, I. 1976.
The Zen Teaching of Rinzai
Shambhala. Berkeley. - Sekida, K. 1975.
Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy
Weatherhill. New York /Tokyo. - Shengyen, Master. 1987.
Faith in Mind: a Guide to Chan Practice
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 1988
Ox-herding at Morgan's Bay
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 1991
The Infinite Mirror: Ts'ao-Tung Ch'an: Commentaries on Inquiry into Matching Halves and Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi
Dharma Drum. New York. - * Shengyen, Master. 1997
Complete Enlightenment
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 1999
Subtle Wisdom: Understanding Suffering, Cultivating Compassion Through Chan Buddhism
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 2002.
There Is No Suffering: A Commentary on the Heart Sutra
Dharma Drum. New York. - ShengYen, Master. 2002.
Zen Wisdom: Conversations on Buddhism with Chan Master Shengyen
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 2002.
The Sword of Wisdom
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 2002.
Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 2005.
Song of Mind: Wisdom from the Zen Classic Xin Ming
Dharma Drum. New York. - * Suzuki, D.T. 1949-53.
Essays in Zen Buddhism
Three Series. Rider. London. - Victoria, B. 1997.
Zen at War
Weatherhill. New York/Tokyo. - Waddell, N. 1996.
Zen Words for the Heart: Hakuin's commentary on the Heart Sutra
Shambhala. Boston/London.
Koan Manuals etc
- Sheng Yen, Master. 1987.
The Poetry of Enlightenment
Dharma Drum. New York. - * Cleary, T. 1990.
The Book of Serenity: One hundred Zen Dialogues
Lindisfarne. New York. - * Shaw, R.D.M. 1961
The Blue Cliff Records, The Hekigan Roku
Michael Joseph. London.
Tibetan Buddhism
- Chang, G.C.C. 1970.
The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
Harper Colophon. New York/London. - Chang, G.C.C. 1963.
Six Yogas of Naropa and Teachings on Mahamudra
Snow Lion. New York. - * Cozort. D. 1986.
Highest Yoga Tantra: An Introduction to the Esoteric Buddhism of Tibet
Snow Lion, New York. - Crook, J and Low, J. 1997.
The Yogins of Ladakh
Motilal Banarsidas. Delhi. - David-Neel, A. 1967.
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
Souvenir Press. London. - Gyatso, P. 1997.
Fire Under the Snow. Testimony of a Tibetan Prisoner
Harvil. London. - Harrer, H. 1953.
Seven Years in Tibet
Hart Davis. London. - Lama Anagarika Govinda. 1959.
Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism
Rider. London. - Lama Anagarika Govinda. 1966.
The Way of the White Clouds
Hutchinson. London. - * Lama Anagarika Govinda. 1977.
Creative Meditation and Multi-dimensional Consciousness
Allen and Unwin. London. - Low, J. 1994.
Simply Being
Durtro. London. (Subsequently republished elsewhere) - Mackenzie, V. 1998.
Cave in the Snow: A Western Woman's quest for Enlightenment
Bloomsbury. London. - Rangdrol, T.N. 1989.
Lamp of Mahamudra
Shambhala. Boston/Shaftesbury. - * Samuel, G. 1993.
Civilised Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies
Smithsonian. Washington. - * Snellgrove, D. 1987.
Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
Serindia. London. - Snelling, J. 1990.
The Sacred Mountain: The Complete Guide to Tibet's Mount Kailas
East-West Publications. London/La Hague. - Sogyal Rimpoche. 1992.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Harper. San Francisco. - Wallace, B.A. 1980.
The Life and Teaching of Geshe Rabten: A Tibetan Lama's Search for Truth
Allen and Unwin. London.
Buddhist History and Contemporary Culture
- Batchelor, S. 1994.
The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture
Parallax Press. Berkeley. - Bishop, P. 1989.
The Myth of Shangri la
Athlone. London. - * Ch'en, K. 1964.
Buddhism in China: A historical Survey
Princeton. - * Crook, J.H. and Osmaston, H. (eds). 1994.
Himalayan Buddhist Villages
Motilal Banarsidass for Bristol University. - Fields, R. 1986.
How the Swans Came to the Lake: a narrative history of Buddhism in America
Shambhala. Boston. - Friedman, L. 1987.
Meetings with Remarkable Women: Buddhist Teachers in America
Shambhala. Boston/London. - * Gernet, J. 1995.
Buddhism in Chinese Society, an economic history from the fifth-tenth centuries
Columbia U.P. New York. - * Goldstein, M.C. and Kapstein, M.T(eds). 1998.
Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet
University of California Press. London. - Goyal, S.R. 1987.
A History of Indian Buddhism
Kasumanjali Prakashan. Meerut. - Kitagawa, J.M. and Cummings, M. (eds). 1987.
Buddhism and Asian History
Macmillan. - * Lopez, D.S. 1999.
Prisoners of Shangri la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West
University of Chicago Press. - Shakya, T. 1999.
The Dragon in the Land of Snows
Pimlico. London. - Snelgrove, D. and Richardson, H. 1968.
A Cultural History of Tibet
Prajna. Boulder, Colorado. - Suzuki, D.T. 1938.
Zen Buddhism and its influence on Japanese Culture
Eastern Buddhist Society. Kyoto. - Tworkov, H. 1989.
Zen in America: profiles of five teachers
North Point. San Francisco. - * Warder, A.K. 1980.
Indian Buddhism
Motilal Banarsidass. Delhi. - * Williams, P. 1989.
Mahayana Buddhism
Routledge. London.
Philosophy, Psychology and Modern Issues
- * Abe, M. 1985.
Zen and Western Thought
Macmillan. London. - Batchelor, S. 1983.
Alone with Others: an existential approach to Buddhism
Grove Press. New York. - Batchelor. S. 1990.
The Faith to Doubt: Glimpses of Buddhist Uncertainty
Parallax Press. Berkeley. - Batchelor, S. 1997.
Buddhism Without Beliefs: a Contemporary Guide
Bloomsbury. London. - * Collins, S. 1982.
Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought in Theravada Buddhism
Cambridge. - Crook, J.H. and Fontana, D. (eds). 1990.
Space in Mind: East-West psychology and contemporary Buddhism
Element. Shaftesbury. - Eppsteiner, F. (ed). 1988.
The Path of Compassion: writings on socially engaged Buddhism
Parallax Press. Berkeley. - Epstein, M. 1996.
Thoughts Without a Thinker
Duckworth. London. - * Faure, B. 1993.
Chan Insights and Oversights
Princeton. NJ. - * Faure, B. 1991.
The Rhetoric of Immediacy
Princeton. NJ. - Jones, K. 1989.
The Social Face of Buddhism
Wisdom. London. - * Jones, K. 1993.
Beyond Optimism: a Buddhist Political Ecology
Jon Carpenter. Oxford. - * Murti, T.R.V. 1955.
The Central Philosophy of Buddhism
Allen and Unwin. - Naranjo, C. and Ornstein, R.E. 1971.
On the Psychology of Meditation
Esalen Book. Viking. NY. - * Peranjpe, A.C., D.Y.F. Ho and Rieber, R.W. (eds). 1988.
Asian Contributions to Psychology
Praeger. New York/London. - Revel, J-F. and Ricard, M. 1998.
The Monk and the Philosopher
Thorsons. London. - Watts, A. 1961.
Psychotherapy East and West
Ballantine. New York. - * Wright, D.S. 1998.
Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism
Some Sutras and Classics in English
- Bhikkhu Nanamoli. 1972/92.
The Life of the Buddha according to the Pali Canon
Buddhist Publication Society. Kandy. - * Bhikkhus Nanamoli and Bodhi. 1995.
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
Wisdom. London. - * Cheng Chien, Bhikshu. 1993.
Manifestation of the Tathagata. Buddhahood according to the Avatamsaka Sutra
Wisdom. London. - * Cleary, T. 1993.
The Flower Ornament Scripture (Avatamsaka Sutra)
Shambala. Boston. - Price, A.F. and Wong, Mou-lam (trans) 1969.
The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui-neng
Shambhala, Boulder. - * Suzuki D.T. 1932.
The Lankavatara Sutra
Routledge and Kegan Paul. London. - * Walshe, M. 1995.
The Long Discourses of the Buddha
Wisdom. Boston/London.
Introductory Books for Children
- Hope, J and van Loon, B 1996
Buddha for Beginners
Writers/Readers Publishing Inc,
Republished as 1999
Introducing Buddha
Icon Books - Blackstone, J and Josipovic, Z. 1986.
Zen for Beginners
Writers/Readers Publishing Inc.
Maenllwyd Library
List of donated books
- Aitken, R. 1997.
Original Dwelling Place
Counterpoint. - Amphoux, Nancy. 1987.
Diary of a Zen Nun
Rider. - Batchelor, M. 1999.
Principles of Zen
Element. - Batchelor, S. 1997.
Buddhism without Beliefs
Bloomsbury. - Beck, C. J. 1989.
Everyday Zen
Harper. - Blackstone, J and Josipovic, Z. 1986.
Zen for Beginners
Writers/Readers Publishing Inc. - Blank, J. 1993.
Arrow of the Blue Skinned God
Simon and Schuster. - Brown, B.E. 1994.
The Buddha Nature
Motilal Banarsidass. - Buddhadasa. 1971.
Toward the Truth
Westminster Press. - Cheng Chien Bhikshu. 1993.
Manifestation of the Tathagata
Wisdom. - Cleary, C. 1977.
Swampland Flowers
Grove Press. - Cleary, T. 1997.
The Five Houses of Zen
Shambala. - Crook, J.H. 1997.
Hilltops of the Hong Kong Moon
Minerva. - Crook, J.H. and Fontana, D. (eds). 1989.
Space in Mind. East-West Psychology and Contemporary Buddhism
Element. - Crook, J.H. and Low, J. 1997.
The Yogins of Ladakh
Motilal Banarsidass. - Crook, J.H. and Osmaston, H. (eds). 1994.
Himalayan Buddhist Villages
Motilal Banarsidass. - Dalai Lama.
Transforming the Mind. Programme of 1999 Visit to London - Deshimaru, Master. 1985.
Questions to a Zen Master
Rider. - Eppsteiner, F (Ed.)
The Path of Compassion: writings on socially engaged Buddhism
Parallax Press. - Fu, C. and Wawrytko, S. (Eds). 1991.
Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society
Greenwood. - Fu, C and Wawrytko., S (Eds). 1994.
Buddhist Behavioural Codes and the Modern World
Greenwood. - Goldstein, M.C. and Kapstein, M.T. (Eds). 1998.
Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: religious revival and cultural identity
California. - Gyatso, T. (The Dalai Lama). 1975.
The Buddhism of Tibet and the Key to the Middle Way
Allen and Unwin. - Herrigel, E. 1969.
The Method of Zen
RKP. - Hirose, N. 1992.
Immovable Wisdom
Element. - Hixon, L. 1995.
Living Buddha Zen
Larson. - Hoffman, Y. 1977.
The Sound of One Hand
Paladin. - Hogen, Roshi. Undated. (1985?)
Zen Here Now
Jiko Oasis Books. - Humphreys, C. 1979.
A Western Approach to Zen
Allen and Unwin. - Lama Yeshe. 1995.
The Tantric Path of Purification
Wisdom. - Lu K'uan Yu (ed).
Master Hsu yun's Discourses and Dharma Words - Mackenzie, R. 1998.
The Boy Lama
Harper and Row. - Mann, R. 1996.
Buddhism in a Foreign Land
Aukana Trust. - Nan, Master. 1994.
To Realise Enlightenment
Samuel Weiser. - Nanamoli, Bhikkhu. 1992.
The Life of the Buddha
Buddhist Publications Society. Kandy. - Nishiyama, K. and J. Stevens.
Dogen Zenji: Shobogenzo. The Eye and Treasury of the True Law, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
4 vols. Nakayama Shobo. Tokyo. - Pabonka Rimpoche. 1991
Liberation in the Palm of your Hand
Wisdom. - Revel, J-F. and Ricard, M. 1998.
The Monk and the Philosopher
Thorsons. London. - Riddell. C, 1996.
Buddhism for Sheep
Ebury Press. - Sangharakshita. 1985.
The Eternal Legacy
Tharpa. - Schumann, W. 1976.
Buddhism: an outline of the teaching schools
Rider. - ShengYen, Master. 1982.
Getting the Buddha Mind
Dharma Drum. - Shengyen, Master. 2002.
The Sword of Wisdom
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shengyen, Master. 1997
Complete Enlightenment
Dharma Drum. New York. - Shulman, N. 1992.
Zen in the Art of Climbing Mountains
Element. - Sohaku Ogata.1 959.
Zen for the West
Rider. - Suzuki, D.T. 1986.
The Zen Doctrine of No Mind
Rider. - Suzuki, D.T. 1994.
Living by Zen
Samuel Weiser. - Swanson, P.L. 1989.
Foundations of Tien tai Philosophy
Asian Humanities Press. - Tai Situpa. 1992.
Relative World, Ultimate Mind
Shambala. - Thich Nhat Hanh. 1988.
The Heart of Understanding
Parallax Press. - Toulmin, S. 1990.
University of Chicago. - Trungpa, Chogyam. 1984.
Shambala, the Sacred Path of the Warrior
Shambala. - Walshe, M. 1995.
The Long Discourses of the Buddha. (Digha Nikaya)
©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2000, 2004. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.
The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.
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