A Buddhist Reading List

John Crook

Compiled 2000, minor updating 2004

This reading list is for the guidance of those wishing to acquire a relatively comprehensive understanding of Buddhism, its past and its future in a global world. Naturally any choices from the vast literature available merely reflect a given individual's preferences. These are books that I have personally found useful. If you begin with these then you will soon go on to make your own reading personally creative.

The introductory list is intended for those attending retreats for the first time. The other lists are for those who want to study an issue in greater depth. All works are readably accessible for anyone with a O/A level education although naturally some texts are more demanding than others.

* A few of the more demanding, academic items are asterisked but many of these are important if you wish to gain a deeper perspective and some are difficult only in part.

The majority of these books are or will be available for consultation in the Maenllwyd Library. Arrangements for a study or reading retreat for fellows may be possible on request. Books may however NOT be borrowed nor taken from the library under any circumstances. A number of the titles listed have been contributed to the library only through kind donations from fellows. Most of the works stem from my own collection.

Obtaining Books

Books from more obscure publishers in print are often available from Amazon.co.uk or Wisdom Books. Some titles have been republished by other publishers.


Most titles below have hyperlinks to Amazon or other sellers. These are provided for your convenience, but before purchasing please take a moment to check that the link has taken you to the correct item and the correct edition - some of the referenced books are out of print and the link may take you to a different edition or even a different book.

Sections of the Reading List

Introductory Reading for Beginners in Chan & Zen

Study Texts in Indian Buddhism and Theravada

Chan and Zen

Further Studies and More Advanced Reading

Koan Manuals etc

Tibetan Buddhism

Buddhist History and Contemporary Culture

Philosophy, Psychology and Modern Issues

Some Sutras and Classics in English

Introductory Books for Children

Maenllwyd Library

List of donated books

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2000, 2004. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.