Audio and Video


Visit the WCF YouTube Channel.

There are recorded Dharma talks and presentations, and more.

Compassion in Crisis:

Buddhist Skilful Means for Environmental Action

Talk by Jake Lyne

This 23 minute talk opens with a quote from William Shatner of Star Trek fame, the oldest person to go into space, who was profoundly shocked by the contrast between the beauty of earth from space and his understanding that life is in peril from climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Using video clips to illustrate the talk, Jake outlines the scale and seriousness of the multiple crises facing life on earth, due to fossil fuel use, waste, deforestation and other factors. He  draws on Buddhist wisdom to suggest ways of managing our emotional and attitudinal responses such as anger, despair, naïve optimism, disabling pessimism and denial, in order to find 'an appropriate response', which may be activism, lifestyle changes, helping others in their work for change and so on.

View the video on YouTube

Koan Retreat Presentation

Audio files of a talk on the Koan Retreat, given by John Crook in New York in March 2006. Total length 100 minutes, divided into two files:

Lo res files 16kbit, faster to download, about 5.7Mb each, sound quality adequate but not quite as good:

Hi res files 100kbit vbr, slower to download, about 37Mb each, sound quality better:

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2006, 2011, 2012-2024. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.