Chan Magazine Winter 2009

Cover of Chan Magazine Winter 2009

"I wandered through the city, a monk in old robes, sleeping in doorways, nodding with the homeless through the night in coffee shops, foraging through dumpsters for fruit and vegetables. I was in my early fifties, no spring chicken, but I was lit from within by my mission to bring the Dharma to the West. Besides, what did it matter? The lessons Donchu had taught me made it a matter of indifference to me whether I slept in a big room or a small room or in the doorway of a church."

From Footprints in the Snow: The Autobiography of a Chinese Monk by Chan Master Sheng Yen, Doubleday, 2008


From the Editor

The Noble Eightfold Path
  The second of four articles by Chan Master Sheng Yen

"Full Moon"
   Painting by Rikki Asher

A Buddhist Pilgrimage to China
   A report by Rebecca Li and David Slaymaker

The Past
   News from the Chan Meditation Center and DDMBA

The Future
   Retreats, classes, and other upcoming events

Chan Center Affiliates

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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.