Richard Hunn (Upasaka Wen Shu) Passes Away
Many of us will remember Richard personally, perhaps especially from his warm and characterful leadership of a weekend retreat for the Bristol Ch'an Group held at Ross Cuthbert's painting studio some years ago. I regretted Richard's disappearance to Japan as he was a valued colleague but I rejoice to hear that his life was so good there. We remember his life with gratitude. JHC
Richard Hunn passed away on the 1st October 2006, in hospital, in Kyoto, Japan. He was suffering from cancer.
He spent much of his adult life propagating and preserving the spiritual essence of life, in its many guises, and myriad forms. Part of this immense task, was the practice of Ch'an Buddhism - the method of which was very close to his heart. He had met Charles Luk (Upasaka Lu Kuan Yu), in Hong Kong in the 1970's, and tirelessly worked to keep the Ch'an And Zen Teaching Series 1, 2, & 3, in print. Together of course, with Charles Luk's other texts, translated from the Chinese, into a good and reliable English format. Texts such as the Surangama Sutra, The Nirdesa Vimalirkirti Sutra, Taoist Yoga, Secrets of Chinese Meditation, Practical Buddhism and the very important autobiography of Master Xu Yun (1840-1959).
This biography, entitled 'Empty Cloud' (the literal translation of 'Xu Yun'), was edited by Richard in the 1980's. This was during the time that he lived in Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich. The foreword, written by Richard, emanates a peaceful compassion, and reflects, I think, a deeper, underlying perfection and tranquility, that permeates across many planes of being. And at this time, the 'Norwich Ch'an Association' was functioning. Richard held Ch'an weeks, (times of intensive meditation), and kept in contact with many people around the world, through the written word. 'Ancient China had a postal system' as Richard once pointed out to me, and with that example in mind, he kept a varied and extensive written communication. There is a Ch'an tradition of instruction via letter, as many Ch'an masters lived in the remote hills, and were difficult to find. And it was initially by the written word, that I came to know him.
In the late 1980's, and early 1990's, Richard and I exchanged a number of letters. I enquired about the 'true essence of mind', and he gently but firmly showed me my 'Mind'. Then, suddenly, (and for almost a decade), we lost touch with one another. His life changed rapidly, and so did mine! I never stopped thinking about him however, and eventually, I managed to track him down! He was re-married, immensely happy and living in Kyoto, Japan. From about the year 2000, he would bring groups of Japanese students to visit England for about a month or so, and after the students had returned to Japan, he would visit his parents in Norwich, and then come and spend a week or so at my home in Sutton, south London. During these blissful times, we would discuss life, laugh a lot and meditate intensely!
This situation continued more or less up until 2004. From 2005 onwards, Richard's health started to decline, slowly at first. He was diagnosed with cancer in August 2005. From 2000 to 2004, we met, and when apart, wrote to one another quite extensively, and this, at times included emails, which Richard disliked for being too impersonal. We also talked on the 'phone.
Richard's wife, Taeko, and his son, Charles, have asked me to convey the sad news of Richard's passing, to those who may have known him, or who may have known of him. To the last, he kept his Mind bright and clear.
There will be a memorial held at Gorseton, in Norfolk (UK), on the 26th of October, 2006. The memorial will consist of both family and friends of Richard.
Anyone who feels that they might like to attend, please contact Mr. Charles Hunn on the following email, for further details;
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