New Chan Forum 14

Cover of New Chan Forum 14

Buddhist Belief

In this issue Stephen Batchelor addresses an issue that may resonate with many Zen practitioners. Namely, what is the nature of Buddhist belief? What do we have faith in? What do we know or think we know? Both this article and our piece by Shi fu explore the role of going beyond faith and surety on the path and how freedom can lie in "not knowing".

In this issue we are happy to be able to announce the creation of the Western Ch'an Fellowship. Following the proposal for such a fellowship outlined by John in NCF 12 an assembly of practitioners has met at Maenllwyd in July 1996 and February 1997 to work out the details of a more formal institutional structure to support our disparate network of practitioners. An account of the deliberations of the first of these meetings is included. In issue 15 we plan to talk about the fellowship and the issues arising from its creation at greater length. In the interim, if you have any feelings about this or comments to make it would be very helpful if you could make them known to John.

Also in this issue we include a contribution resulting from the points raised by both John and Ken Jones in issue 14 on authenticity in practice. As well as this we have the usual mix of retreat reports, poems and information on retreats and groups around the country. This issue also contains include a new book review feature and a brief guide to a few useful Ch'an internet resources.

It is also with great sadness that we include the obituaries of two much loved retreat companions.

Before finishing apologies are in order for the long gap since issue 13. We are attempting to improve matters through, among other means, a few technical improvements and the appointment of another editor. We are therefore happy to welcome Simon Child to our small editorial staff. Simon will be particularly responsible for the layout and design of NCF and is it thus to him that pictures should now be sent. An up to date address list for submissions is given on the back page. As ever any articles, poems, reviews and particularly photographs and pictures are very welcome


©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 1990-2024. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.