New Chan Forum 38
Paths To Enlightenment?
Do our retreats make any difference? Do they lead to an insight into enlightenment? Or are they merely spiritual hobbies in an age lacking in true wisdom? Although the Western Chan Fellowship is increasing in size and we offer a uniquely wide range of retreats of several types led by accomplished teachers, do our practitioners and local leaders truly understand the implications of the paths we attempt to follow? In this edition of our journal we provide deeply reflective texts in order that we can refocus where necessary on the demands that Chan makes on us as individuals – whether in groups, on committees, on retreat, in solitary reflection, trekking in the mountains or in the hassle of everyday life. Whether an institution is large or small, in Chan it is only individual motivation and personally self-aware criticism that makes any real difference. Consider your personal case!
Chuan-Deng Jing-di
- Meditation and Personal Disclosure: The Western Zen Retreat, John Crook.
- Kensho and the Unborn Buddha Mind, Ron Henshall.
- The Dressing Room Door, Peter Hawkins.
- Bitter Joy, Ken Jones.
- Interview Training!, Andrew Horwood.
- Neither This nor That, Simon Child.
- Retreat Reports.
- Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution, by David Loy – A Review by Ken Jones.
- Notices.
- Publication date:
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- Online ISSN: 2047-9522 (Print ISSN: 2047-9514)
- Categories: 2009
Western Chan Fellowship CIO
- Link to this page

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