New Chan Forum 42

Zen Quests

John opens this issue with his annual address as Teacher to the Western Chan Fellowship. It has been revised from the spoken version at Stroud early this spring (2010). This year’s address is particularly worthy of careful attention by all fellows because it sets out a carefully constructed review and interpretation of our retreat methods, their unique character and their derivation from Shifu’s Chan, all the way from the first sit to an enlightenment experience. It explores our terminology in attempting to make clear some Chinese terms and ideas. This detailed account of method should be helpful for all Westerners attempting to find out where they are on the path. Note, this is a discussion of method – a key interest of Shifu. The Dharma that is the basis of all methods remains untouched in the age-old Chan tradition Shifu has handed on to us, eye-ball to eye-ball, through our Dharma heirs.

The articles and poems that follow all result from individual practices of method with their delight, paradox, problems and difficulties. These are expressed in a caring, reflective article from Fiona Nuttall, poems, haibun and retreat reports from all of which much about the Dharma within our charity in our time is expressed.

Finally, we remember with affection Dr Sally Masheder who died recently from cancer after contributing so much to the NBO and the Bristol Chan Group. And also Dr David Clark who enlivened several of our retreats some years ago.We thank our contributors for such a rich mix of insight, feeling and commitment.

  • Meaning, Purpose & Insight In Western Chan - John Crook
  • Poem: At Home In Great Stillness - Pat Simmons
  • Finding The Sacred In The Everyday: The Buddha Path In Social Responsibility - Fiona Nuttall
  • The Chinese Inscriptions At Maenllwyd - John Crook
  • Poem: Wisdom - Jane Spray
  • Haibun: An Appointment With Yama - Ken Jones
  • Poems: Mothers’ Day & Sounds - Yeshe
  • Retreat Reports From Hourne Farm, Gaia House, Maenllwyd & Poland - Various
  • David Clark. In Memoriam - John Crook
  • Remembering Sally: Obituary & Memoirs - Various
  • Author: Western Chan Fellowship
  • Publication date:
  • Modified date:
  • Online ISSN: 2047-9522 (Print ISSN: 2047-9514)
  • Categories: 2010
  • Western Chan Fellowship logo Western Chan Fellowship CIO
  • Link to this page
cover of New Chan Forum 42

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