New Chan Forum 45
It is with a great sense of honour that I take up the role of editor of the New Chan Forum but with an equally great sense of sadness and loss that I do this following John’s death. This issue is therefore a memorial for John and his life.
Included are some contributions that were made at his funeral, some remembrances and memories. But for us to truly appreciate John’s contribution he needs to speak for himself, so there are some selected Teishos which had appeared on the website as well as some poems which were previously unpublished.
It is pleasing to include his words which directly point to the teaching he offered. Enjoy the words and investigate the teaching.
Eddy Street
- Everything is as it is: this in itself is remarkable - John Crook
- John’s life - Jake Lyne
- Letter from Dharma Drum retreat centre - Guo Xing Fashi
- In memory of John Crook: a great friend - Yiu Yan Nang
- John the explorer and poet - James Crowden
- John the yogin - James Low
- Everyday joy - John Crook
- Some of the bardo records of master Chuan-deng Jing-di John Crook - Members of the Western Chan Fellowship
- John Crook: ethologist - John Lazarus
- Snowfall - John Crook
- John as a lover of truth - Peter Reason
- The Buddhist legacy of John Crook - Simon Child