New Chan Forum 9

Transmitting the Lamp

This is a very special edition of New Chan Forum. Those of you who have received a copy of the Maenllwyd retreat programme for the Corning year will already know that John has been greatly honoured by Master Sheng-yen and is now a lineage holder in the Chan tradition with the Dharma name Ch'uan-Teng Chien-Ti ['Transmitting the Lamp - Seeing the Truth]. On behalf of his trainees, friends and associates, we offer John our heart-felt congratulations for this recognition of his life's work. In this copy, we have a transcription of the ceremony including a response from John on its meaning for him.

For the rest of us, we can only begin to imagine the consequences and responsibilities deriving from such an accolade. It is a measure of John's personal stature and depth of understanding that he continues to be an ordinary man, albeit with some extra-ordinary skills. We respect him deeply for that.

Like the Roman god Janus, this copy of the New Chan Forum looks both forwards and backwards. Since the Maenllwyd epitomises John's devotion to transmission of the Dharma, we thought that we would break with tradition and start this special edition of NCF with a scene dear to the hearts of all those who have followed the Welsh bit of the Path. Elsewhere, we have a Western interpretation of re-incarnation and a selection of personal retreat experiences and other articles. The final page lists other information; retreats and work-shops available at the Maenllwyd and elsewhere, addresses for the submission of articles, poetry, drawings, photographs and slides for inclusion in future issues, subscription details.

Finally, we wish all our friends health and happiness in 1994. 

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 1990-2024. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.