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Ken Jones
It is with sadness that we announce the death of Ken Jones at his home in Aberystwyth on Sunday August 2nd 2015
Ken was a superb teacher and a good friend to many of us. He was a founder member of the WCF and supported Chan Master John Crook in establishing the WCF in its early years. Ken led many retreats at the Maenllwyd. His main focus for teaching was to bring the practice of Zen into…
International Western Dharma Teachers Gathering
Simon Child and Fiona Nuttall attended the International Western Dharma Teachers Gathering at Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY, USA, June 1-5 2015. This was a 4-year follow-up to a similar meeting at Garrison NY in 2011.
Nearly 200 teachers attended, with many traditions represented. The majority of those attending were American, but there were 33 teachers from 9 European countries and also some…
Dharma Drum Conferences
Simon Child, Teacher of the Western Fellowship, attended the 3rd Dharma Drum Mountain Monastic and Followers conference in Taipei, Taiwan, June 27-28.
There were about 400 people attending, including most of the DDM sangha and students. There were presentations and discussion panels involving several of Chan Master Sheng Yen's Dharma heirs such as Chi Chern Fashi, Simon Child, Žarko Andricevic,…
Connected Practice: Enhancing your practice in your own environment
Join us in a commitment for a period of connected and enhanced practice. We will undertake this in our daily lives, whether at home or in the workplace, with the silent support of knowing that we are not practising alone. We intend to raise the tempo of our practice for this period, increasing our capacity to be aware in our daily lives. A Mindfulness Bell will be rung at noon every day, when all…
Chan Talk at Buddhist Society, London
Sat 15th March, by Ven Guo Yuan Fashi of DDM
Venerable Guo Yuan Fashi, Dharma Heir of Master Sheng Yen, the Director of the Chan Hall at Dharma Drum Mountain, will be visiting London and will give a talk at the London Buddhist Society on Saturday March 15th.
- Place: Buddhist Society, 58 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PH
- Date: Saturday March 15th
- Time: 1-5pm
- Admission: donation at your discretion
Enhance your Practice in your own environment
Join in our Connected Practice for Wesak 18-29 May 2013. Anyone who wishes to participate is invited join us in a commitment for a period of connected and enhanced practice. We will undertake this in our daily lives, whether at home or in the workplace, with the silent support of knowing that we are not practising alone. We intend to raise the tempo of our practice for the period around Wesak,…
Diamond Sutra and tree planting
Nine WCF members met up on Saturday 18th August to look at and discuss the Diamond Sutra at Jane and Martin Spray’s house in the Forest of Dean. We also looked at some of the commentaries on it that have been translated into English. The discussion was led by Jake Lyne, and continued outside in the garden after a break for lunch.
Later in the afternoon a short ceremony was held at the Pludds…
Buddhists and Quakers on litter picking stroll
Three local spiritual groups met up on Sunday 1 July for a stroll in the countryside collecting litter. Eleven adults, one child and a puppy from two local Buddhist groups – Newbury Chan Group and the Fifth Precept Group and Newbury Quakers met up for an afternoon walk around Speen Moor with litter pickers and sacks.
Walk organiser and leader of Newbury Chan Group Susan Millington said: "As part…
WCF member Marian Partington’s new book is Book of the Week in the 'Mail on Sunday'
Marian Partington spent 18 years writing her book, If You Sit Very Still. Drawing heavily on Buddhist practice, and particularly on her experiences during retreats at the Maenllwyd, Marian engages with the traumatic loss of her sister, Lucy, at the hands of Fred and Rosemary West. In the pages of the book, Marian charts her narrative of healing, and finds an authentic and compassionate response.…
New Teacher of the Western Chan Fellowship
On 28th January, Dr Simon Child Chuan-fa Jing-hong, Chan Master Sheng Yen's third Dharma Heir, was confirmed as the new Teacher of the Western Chan Fellowship. His appointment was unanimously approved by members of the Western Chan Fellowship at an Annual General Meeting. It was a poignant occasion since this was also the Western Chan Fellowship's third annual Memorial Day for Chan Master Sheng…
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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.
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