Diamond Sutra and tree planting

Photo of Tree-planting
Two people tree-planting

Nine WCF members met up on Saturday 18th August to look at and discuss the Diamond Sutra at Jane and Martin Spray’s house in the Forest of Dean. We also looked at some of the commentaries on it that have been translated into English. The discussion was led by Jake Lyne, and continued outside in the garden after a break for lunch.

Later in the afternoon a short ceremony was held at the Pludds Village Hall, in memory of John Crook. After the simple ceremony, which included a recitation of John’s poem ‘On pursuing that which has no tracks’, we went outside into the Hall grounds, each with a stick of incense lit from the altar. Hilary Richards put the first spadesful of earth on the plum tree roots, after having scattered a torn up first page of a copy of the Diamond Sutra in the planting hole. We had previously decided that the first page could represent the whole of the Sutra. Then everyone present took turns to put a spadesful of earth round the tree.
The plum tree for John was planted next to a damson tree for Master Sheng Yen. The damson was planted by members of the Forest of Dean Chan Group back in February 2011, as part of a day retreat for local group members led by Jane Spray.

In the evening those of us staying in the Forest had a good meal at Yaks and Yetis Nepali restaurant in Ross on Wye, and the following day Hilary led a day retreat for Forest of Dean Chan group members and others back at the Village Hall again.

Planting a green staff in the ground
for Chuan-deng Jing-di, teacher.
Among the roots, leaving no tracks,
- the Diamond Sutra.

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