Rebecca Li receives Dharma Transmission

Rebecca Li receiving the transmission robe from Simon Child
Rebecca Li with Simon Child, both in robes

We are pleased to announce that WCF Guiding Teacher Simon Child, Jing-hong Chuan-fa, has appointed his second Dharma Heir.

Rebecca Li, of New Jersey USA, was a regular practitioner with Chan Master Sheng Yen from the late 1990s until Master Sheng Yen’s passing in 2009, as well as acting as his translator on many occasions and also as a member of the Board of Dharma Drum Retreat Center. She has also attended more than 20 retreats with John Crook and Simon Child, most of these being at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center in upstate New York but she has also attended retreat in UK and Poland.

Her transmission name is 智燈法傳, Zhi-deng Fa-chuan, "Wisdom Lamp Dharma Transmitting".

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