Evidently inspired by the Ten Koans of Layman John (NCF32) Eddy recalled this finely crafted koan. Enjoy. Tsan!! Eds
At a time of great personal turmoil, Layman Street, who had not yet stepped onto the Path, had it suggested to him that he visit Lam Rim Buddhist Centre and speak with Geshe Damchos Yontan. Layman Street had only read about meeting with Buddhist teachers and he had the notion that when you consulted a master it was appropriate to ask a question, the answer to which would have great significance. In the time that led up to his visit Layman Street pondered all the questions that he might ask but it did not fully form itself until he was travelling to Raglan.
During their conversation Layman Street told Geshe-la all about his situation to which Geshe-la responded with compassion and heart felt advice, then the moment came when Layman Street felt he could ask his great question of the lama from Tibet.
"Geshe-la, what does Everest feel like?"
The Geshe looked very kindly at Layman Street and said "Where you from?"
Layman Street replied "Cardiff".
"Ah Cardiff is a nice place."