Haiku, by Anna Jedynak

What is there?
What IS there?

Chestnut bud in a vase
Feels pain in her green petals forcibly opened
By a greedy glance

The whole universe
Broke into pieces 

This mouthful of tea
Never drunk before
Nor ever again

An old monk
Slowly walking step by step
Through a violent storm

Winter may come any day now
Where has the last one gone? 

The stream
Flowing all the time
Never tired

Spring sun awakens life
Turning shiny snow
Into mud

Sitting down on the cushion
Getting up from the cushion –
The same person or another?

A yellow leaf
Dancing in the autumn wind
Above the trees

A squirrel sitting still in the tree
Hop! A released branch is wobbling
Nothing else

A big old mushroom
Offers itself for worms
With no objection

Autumn walk
Leaves rustling under foot
Resounds in the universe

The flower
Turns to the sun with its whole body
No concern, no hesitation 

A scared hare hidden in the bushes
His heart is beating so loudly that for sure
Every sentient being can hear it

Infinite vast space
Hills, woods, fields, clouds – yet everything fits
In the blink of an eye

A little girl
Hiding her face in the pillow
Safe at last

Then silence. Nothing will happen anymore.

Scorched earth.
Rubble, dust. From under the rubble
A spider slowly emerges.

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