New Chan Forum 17

Cover of New Chan Forum 17

Ch'an Attitude, Ch'an Challenges

Challenge seems to be the theme of this issue. Exciting and dynamic new challenges are facing the Western Ch’an Fellowship as we take on the duties and responsibilities of a charity.

All kinds of new developments are being discussed, from training new teachers to improving ritual - some of these are considered in the Editorial from the Ch’an Hall where John looks back to the early years at Maenllwyd, summarising some of the changes that have taken place and some of the new developments. A lot seems to be happening very quickly; after long years of slow change, suddenly, in just a couple of years there are radical changes to the buildings at the Maenllwyd, and radical changes to the way in which the people connected with those buildings are learning to relate to each other. We might all benefit from keeping in mind the simple and beautiful reminders re-printed in Ch’an Attitudes from the Ch’an Center in New York.

Memorising a Sutra of 80,000 words is some challenge - even Shi-fu admits he didn’t quite manage it. But Master Sheng-yen writes movingly and powerfully about the lifelong rewards that come from reading, studying and memorising the Sutras. Plenty of food for thought is provided too in David Fontana’s account of journeys in Greece and in Eric Rommeluere’s reflections on sitting in no-sense.

Some more homely accounts explore the challenges of every day life - bringing up children, relating to parents and learning to cook.

We are always interested in your views and ideas and feedback on the new developments. Further information on the Western Ch’an Fellowship and New Ch’an Forum are given on the back pages, together with contact addresses.

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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.