New Chan Forum 39

The late Chan Master Shengyen

The Passing of Shifu, and the China Journey

As we began to prepare this issue, the news came to us that our Shifu, the Venerable Chan Master Sheng Yen, had passed away. It is a sad time and we send our condolences to Dharma Drum practitioners, monastic and lay, wherever they may be.

Such a time is nevertheless also one for renewed focus and resolve to activate the Master’s Teachings in the world so that they may make a difference during these crisis years. We present various texts dealing with Shifu’s Will, his obituary, memorial services and accounts of personal experiences of him as a memorial of a great teacher.

Last May and June several of our Leaders accompanied John Crook on a study tour of Chinese monasteries guided superbly by Rebecca Li, Shifu’s key interpreter. Our journey ended in Taiwan at Dharma Drum Mountain thereby allowing us to meet Shifu, pay our respects to him and receive the blessing of his company. This was a journey during which we learnt much, received valuable teachings, met many fascinating people and began to truly appreciate the depth and presence of Chinese Buddhism in our time.

It is thus also appropriate that we share our discoveries with you at this time.

Chuan-deng Jing-di


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