New Chan Forum 48

Cover of New Chan Forum 48

An essential task for us is to express Buddhism in a Western form within its lay practice context. This task forms the themes of this issue which comes in our new format. To provide an important pointer on our Western Buddhist lay practice we are very pleased to present a transcription of a talk given by Simon Child on the approach required to establish our own way to practise. Pat Simmons provides us with written version of a talk in which she succinctly outlines her approach to practice. Jake Lyne introduces us to the life of the important Japanese master Hakuin. As lay practice extends and develops, different forms of activity outside of formal retreat will come about and Hilary Richards presents an account and reflection on the connected practice event organised by our Sangha.

From approaches to practice we then move to expressions of the Dharma. George Marsh has chosen a poem from the mystical tradition of Britain to illustrate some similarities between our native traditions and those of the East. George takes us further into East–West comparisons with his own view of the parallels between the account of the Enlightenment experience in Mumon’s koan MU and William Blake’s work on the spiritual experiences of Job. The retreat reports in their special way present retreatants’ own experiences arising in the wonderful structure of Buddhist practice at our retreats. Florencia Clifford then takes up this expression in terms of the cook’s meditations which here is presented as a retreat report – with recipe! All these articles invite us to investigate our own experience – just do it…and find out where it leads.

  • Finding a Way to Practise - Simon Child
  • Step Into the Circle of Wonder - Pat Simmons
  • Wild Ivy - Jake Lyne
  • Connected Practice for Wesak - Hilary Richards
  • Western Mysticism and Chan - George Marsh
  • Confronting ‘Mu’ and the Enlightenment of Job - George Marsh
  • Retreat Reports - Anonymous
  • Cook’s Meditation - Florencia Clifford 


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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.