New Chan Forum 49
Simplicity seems to have emerged as the underlying theme of this issue of New Chan Forum. The first three articles in this issue of New Chan Forum consider the “ordinariness” of Chan practice. How can we simply be with, and investigate, what arises in our meditation? How can we open to and accept the enlightenment experience offered to us by each passing second of ordinary life? And what are the practical implications of our Chan experience? What is "right livelihood" in everyday life, and how can we achieve it?
The poetry pages introduce a new form you are unlikely to have seen before, and give us an encounter with beginner’s mind. And, as usual, we have a selection of retreat reports – all, as it happens, from Simon’s Shattering the Great Doubt koan retreats.
This is the first issue of New Chan Forum that we have co-edited, taking over from Eddy Street. It has been very encouraging to discover how many people are willing to share their insights and experiences. We plan to produce the next issue for Summer 2015, and we are already looking for contributions. Articles, poems, images – we will welcome them all. We’re happy to help with editing, or to discuss your ideas before you put fingers to keyboard. Do contact us on
- Editors' Introduction - George Marsh and Pat Simmons
- Dharma Talk: Being With - Simon Child
- Engaging in Post-Enlightenment Practice, even if... Eddy Street
- The Search for Right Livelihood - Sarah Bird
- Poem: One-liners - Stuart Quine
- Poem: Jack Discovers Impermanence - Pat Simmons
- Retreat Reports - Various
- About us and Retreat Information