New Chan Forum 52

Cover photo of New Chan Forum 52

In this issue of The New Chan Forum we publish the second, culminating part of Simon Child’s account of koan practice, Shattering the Great Doubt, and the third in our series on ‘Right Livelihood’, this time reflecting on the moral context of the life of a solicitor. Eddy Street helps us by offering an illuminating way to read difficult texts by Dogen, using terms from The Heart Sutra. In addition, as usual, poetry pages find images for the Dharma and Retreat Reports convey vividly what it is like to experience a series of liberations in the intense environment of a meditation retreat.

The images in this issue were photographed in the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet in Paris, which houses the most wonderful collection of Asian arts, much more abundant than anything in London, Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong. It is well worth a special visit to Paris. Just go to the Iéna metro station and you are there, with the rich traditions of India, Southeast Asia, Afghanistan (where Buddhism met Greek sculptors left behind by the armies of Alexander the Great), China, Tibet, Nepal, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan.

  • Editors’ Introduction  - Pat Simmons & George Marsh
  • Shattering the Great Doubt - Simon Child
  • Reading Dogen - Eddy Street
  • Images for the State of Chan - George Marsh
  • Poem: Small Buddhas - Karen Robbie
  • Right Livelihood - Jeremy Woodward
  • Retreat Reports - Various
  • About Us and Retreat Information
  • Download New Chan Forum 52 16.7Mb
  • Past issues

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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.