New Chan Forum 23

Cover of New Chan Forum 23

Ch'an in China, Ch'an in Science

This issue considers two questions of great importance to Western Ch'an practitioners - and indeed to all Buddhists. Firstly, what is the current state of Chinese Buddhist practice in China itself? Secondly, what is the relation between Science and Ch'an Buddhism? Following our WCF pilgrimage to some major Chinese monasteries we can present a useful review of the first issue. David Brown, a senior research scientist and a director of research in industry and a long-term practitioner, tackles the second with considerable authority. In addition we have a personal meditation on the "Essence of Mind" and Mick Parkin extends his perspective on Complementary Opposites to Taoism. Our journal is beginning to present Buddhist issues from a mature viewpoint and we recommend a serious reading of what our authors have to say.

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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.