New Chan Forum 58
Hello everybody, and welcome to the spring edition of New Chan Forum.
'Journeying' is a major theme of this issue: Hughie Carroll gives a graphic account of the first part of his pilgrimage to Ladakh, which leads into Eddy Street's contemplation of the Zen of Making a Journey and Jane Spray's moving and enjoyable account of visiting Huangshan.
My thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue. I've now taken over from George Marsh as editor of the New Chan Forum. Having assisted him with a couple of issues, I know how hard he worked, and what a wealth of knowledge and understanding he brought to the task. I feel I'm stepping into rather large shoes!
And I know that New Chan Forum is a hungry monster! If I'm to fill the next issue (which I hope will appear in September) I need contributions: articles, book reviews, artwork, poems. I need them from you! And I need them by late April.
You don't need to be a Buddhist scholar – I'd much prefer something that springs from your own experience and insight. I'm happy to discuss ideas with you before you start writing. If you're not a confident writer we can help you to edit what you write. (If you are, we'll still edit you if necessary!). So do email me at And I'd welcome feedback on this issue or the role of New Chan Forum.
- Habit Seeds - Simon Child
- Pilgrimage to Ladakh part 1 - Hughie Carroll
- The Zen of Making a Journey - Eddy Street
- Poems - Jane Spray
- Teaching Mindfulness in Schools - Siân Thomas
- Book Review: The World Could be Otherwise, by Norman Fischer - Jeremy Woodward
- Retreat Reports
- Publication date:
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- Online ISSN: 2047-9522 (Print ISSN: 2047-9514)
- Categories: 2020 New Chan forum New Chan Forum 58
Western Chan Fellowship CIO
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