New Chan Forum 66
What I particularly enjoy about editing New Chan Forum is the rich variety of material that comes my way. And this issue is no exception.
I am delighted to be able to share Simon’s analysis of the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, included here by special request from the people who first heard it on retreat in February, and thought it was one of the best Dharma talks they had ever heard. Many thanks to Jeanine Woodward, who transcribed it faultlessly and at lightning speed.
George Marsh’s article – an examination of Basho’s poetry – is fascinating and very thoroughly researched. And Eddy Street’s ever so slightly irreverent story about the Boat Monk seems to link in beautifully with the poetry of Jos Hadfield and David Valentine-Hagart.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this and the previous issues that I have edited. This is my last issue as editor, but Sarah Bird has agreed to take over from me and I know she will be brilliant. She’s looking forward to receiving your contributions – it’s easily the most fun part of the job. The address won’t change.
- The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra Simon Child
- Basho’s “Form” on the Subject Of “Emptiness” George Marsh
- The Boat Monk and The ‘Zenny’ Teacher Eddy Street
- Five Haiku Jos Hadfield
- Two Poems David Valentine-Hagart
- Publication date:
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- Online ISSN: 2047-9522 (Print ISSN: 2047-9514)
- Categories: 2024 New Chan forum New Chan Forum 66
Western Chan Fellowship CIO
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