New Chan Forum

In 1990 the Bristol Chan Group founded a journal called the 'New Chan Forum'. The Western Chan Fellowship subsequently took over responsibility for this publication.

Content varies considerably from issue to issue, but typically includes Dharma talks, reports on their meditation and retreat experiences written by participants, comment on contemporary Zen and Buddhism, pictures, poetry, etc.

Copies of the full text of most issues are available to download from here. For copyright and other reasons some articles may sometimes be removed from the electronic version, and pictures are not included with the older issues, but if you wish you may write to the distributor to buy the paper version.

Published twice or three times a year, back copies, if still in print, are available from our Admin Secretary, price £4.50 each or £12.00 for a subscription of three issues.

Articles, pictures, poems, etc. for consideration for inclusion in future issues of New Chan Forum may be emailed to the WCF editorial at

Print ISSN: 2047-9514 ,  Online ISSN: 2047-9522

  • Getting Going...

    Surprise, surprise! Not only is the Bristol Chan Group still in existence, it seems to be flourishing. We have met and sat together for one "term" and have just started another. We have had a series of talks from John Crook and organised two short Chan retreats at weekends, one at the Maenllwyd and one at the flat of Nigel Chilton in Bristol. We seem to be spreading our wings,…

    Read more of: New Chan Forum 2
  • A New Beginning

    In introducing the NEW CH'AN FORUM to its readers, I hope that they will find in its pages the beginning of a distinctive voice that will help spread a wider understanding of the Dharma. There is a need or a contemporary view point which, whilst based in orthodox and traditional practice also relates to the modern world.

    When Master Sheng-yen came to the Maenllwyd retreat centre…

    Read more of: New Chan Forum 1

©Western Chan Fellowship CIO 2005-2024. May not be quoted for commercial purposes. Anyone wishing to quote for non-commercial purposes may seek permission from the WCF Secretary.

The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.