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Ken Jones: In memoriam
Hilary Richards |It is with sadness that we announce the death of Ken Jones at his home in Aberystwyth on Sunday August 2nd 2015
Ken was a superb teacher and a good friend to many of us. He was a founder member of the WCF and supported Chan Master John Crook in establishing the WCF in its early years. Ken led many retreats at the Maenllwyd. His main focus for teaching was to bring the practice of Zen into…
David Fontana - A Memoir
John Crook |I must have met David Fontana at a psychological conference where several of us decided to form a small discussion group to have a look at the then growing interest in Meditation and Zen. We worked closely together to set up an international conference on “Psychology: East and West” in Cardiff and David and I edited and contributed to the book that followed “ Space in Mind” (Element Press, 1990).…
Remembering Iris
Ken Jones, Jin-ho, Marian Partington, Alysun Jones, Nick Salt |I was privileged to be with Iris on two occasions during her final days, when she had gone over to palliative care and was, with cheerful equanimity, waiting to move on... A long dedicated Follower of the Way, Iris had admirably completed the Work, and recently had had two out-of-body experiences -- a preliminary reconnaissance perhaps? I was hugely impressed and not a little envious!
Iris was…
Iris Tute - In Memoriam
John Crook |I heard of Iris' death today with great sadness. Even though I knew Iris had suffered long and with great courage, I feel her passing to be a very personal loss and know her many friends will be feeling the same way.
I deeply regret not being with you here today; especially because I know she would have liked me to be here. I send these words as a small contribution as we remember her life…
Richard Hunn (Upasaka Wen Shu) Passes Away
Adrian Chan-Wyles (Upasaka Heng Yu) |Many of us will remember Richard personally, perhaps especially from his warm and characterful leadership of a weekend retreat for the Bristol Ch'an Group held at Ross Cuthbert's painting studio some years ago. I regretted Richard's disappearance to Japan as he was a valued colleague but I rejoice to hear that his life was so good there. We remember his life with gratitude. JHC
Richard Hunn…
Obituary: Barry Palmer
John Broadbent |Among the many who have come to the Maenllwyd over the years we count a number of social work professionals of the highest distinction. What brings them to the heart of Wales often seems mysterious. It is as if in these caring professions there is no adequate sharing among the professionals themselves. In a sort of loneliness they have to seek elsewhere and it is to the hills that they come. Barry…
Obituaries: Don Ball and Jane Turner
John Crook |In the last few months old hands at the Maenllwyd have lost two much loved retreat companions. Don Ball and Jane Turner had been coming to the Maenllwyd ever since we started retreats there. They both knew the days when accommodation consisted of a barn with a much holed roof through which snow might drift or an owl come in to share the shelter. They both knew the crowded retreats we used to have…
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Permalink: https://w-c-f.org/Q358