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Five Haiku
Jos Hadfield |Standing in the yard,
my face turned up to the sky;
soft blessings of rain.Shimmering orange
of the tree’s pyrotechnics;
the dark bracken rests.Backlit by a flame
I see my projection,
watchfully waiting.I look down to see
two old hands resting on my lap;
winter is coming.I was thinking of
the purity of lotus blossoms,
and slipped in the mud. -
Two Poems: Quiet Mind; Day Retreat in York March 2015
David Valentine-Hagart |Quiet Mind
When the quiet mind comes
I am moving up steadily
Hold after hold
Rock is under my hands
Under my feet
Sky above
Earth belowWhen the quiet mind comes
I am in the midst of music
Note following note
Hands, steel and timber
All one
As each song unfoldsWhen the quiet mind comes
I am ocean floating
On a glassy board
Waiting for the only wave
That will carry me
To shoreWhen the quiet mind comes
I am… -
Jake Lyne |Look up!
Soot grey snowflakes
dancing, whirling, falling, landing –
white side up. -
Anna Jedynak |Silence…
What is there?
What IS there?Chestnut bud in a vase
Feels pain in her green petals forcibly opened
By a greedy glanceAchoo!!!
The whole universe
Broke into piecesThis mouthful of tea
Never drunk before
Nor ever againAn old monk
Slowly walking step by step
Through a violent stormFrost
Winter may come any day now
Where has the last one gone?The stream
Flowing all the time
Never tiredSprin…
Retreat Report, Koan Retreat September 2022, a poem
Anonymous |Planting a great oak at Shawbottom
and returning each year to say, “I did that”,
that would be something.
The sapling trees were ready in pots,
the spade resting against the shed.I could only claim a short-lived success
weeding between the paving slabs.
About his many enlightenment experiences
Sawaki Roshi once said,
“they didn’t amount to a whole hill of beans”.In my secret koan, ‘Tokusan’s Bowls’,
eg… -
My Sheltered Place: a Haibun
Andy Henderson |The fresh crisp morning air assails my senses as I quietly close the kitchen door behind me. The gravel crunches under my feet, yet all is silent.
I turn the corner of the street and the south-west wind rushes across my face.
I hear the sea before I see the sea, for all is still dark at this early hour.
The smell of wet briny beach is strong as I descend the steps to the beachside path and turn…
Stories from the Zoomiverse: A Virtual Sangha in the Time of Covid
Richard Spalding |the guest house by rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor…
Welcome and entertain them all!
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as a
guide from beyond.
Communicating in a group via the Internet during a viral pandemic has been an…
The Hiss of Light: A Haibun
Marian Partington |1994
I attend my first Western Zen Buddhist retreat at Maenllwyd. The small Welsh farmhouse stands on a hillside at the end of a rough track below a narrow wooded valley, which leads up to a bare horizon. It just sits there, with no electricity, amidst the fields of sheep, aloof and barely visible from the straggly village some way below. The eastern horizon offers wide skies for the sunrise and…
No Guru, No Church, No Dependency
Susan Blackmore |Rushing off to begin a solitary retreat last month, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to check something in the liturgy so, in a hurry (yes, I know!!), I grabbed the first copy I could find and set off to my hut. Only later, once I’d settled down, did I take a look and realise that it was a very old copy indeed. To my surprise, there, on the front cover (see overleaf), is some writing in John’s…
Haibun, by Eddy Street
Eddy Street |For a few moments I believe I’ve forgotten what day it is. The pandemic has removed an element of usual time for me as my accustomed props and punctuations of the week have become redundant and my old map for time spent has become obsolete. Global and local are now not so separated as ‘remote’ acquires a new meaning and I can spend time, described as real, with distant friends. I idle away at bits…
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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.
Permalink: https://w-c-f.org/Q358