Immeasurable Sweetness
Pale light after dawn
Low clouds scudding over green fields
Weathervane - SSW
Nine cars
In the yard
Welsh hills in June
Misty rain
Wet tents
Sunbeams at dusk
Reaching round the corner of the hill
Only this week the sun so far
Cutting the tall grass
goggle eyed frog leaps for safety
Sorry !
Round the temple chanting
Koonyam poussa koon yam poussa
Outside cuckoos calling
Morning mantra
My nerves
Light on rising
Light at bedtime
What between?
Sitting in the Chan Hall
Buddha's face in the corner of an eye
One thought for a thousand years
That old-time sculptor
Never knew I read his mind
Like the stream
No start No end
No stop
The mountains are doing zazen
Everything is doing zazen
Someone has noticed
His presence on the cushion's
Not essential
Outside the Chan Hall door
Manic laughter
I needn't ask him why.
This one has spotted something odd-
Others exist.
For how long I wonder.
Old doctor
On the physiology of the brain
Dharma discussion-
Monkeys begin
Falling out of the trees
Last cars go down the winding lane
Gates close behind them
Clearer now the birdsong in the yard
Everyone gone
Retreat ended
Owl returning to the woodshed
By an open window
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- Categories: 1998 Poetry Chan Retreat Reports Anonymous
Western Chan Fellowship CIO
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