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  • Eddy Street |

    The spiritual path is seldom if ever straightforward. When we embark on our spiritual quest, we naturally engage the nature of the person that we are with the tasks that will present themselves to us along the way. The trials, tribulations and obstacles along the path are not an inherent element of the path itself but are the outcome of the way we personally interact with the requirements involved…

    Read more of: Bumping up Against Ourselves
  • Anonymous |

    Koan retreats with the Western Chan Fellowship have become a staple part of my dharma practice over the past few years since I have found a connection with this specific method. Coming to Wales for such retreats has become routine for me, and I had no expectations on booking it or on arrival.

    One day into the retreat it became clear that my practice was very different to previous retreats. On…

    Read more of: Great Doubt
  • Anonymous |

    Silent Illumination retreat report

    I arrived to the retreat ill. Nothing really serious, just a sore throat and runny nose, but still I was a bit worried about waking up my room-mates with a cough at night. Moreover before the retreat I had neglected my practice, and now expected the first days to be rather difficult. But surprisingly everything went fine: beautiful sunny weather cured me within…

    Read more of: Rephrasing and Asking
  • Anonymous |

    A Silent Illumination retreat report

    Similar to my last retreats I shifted pretty fast into the retreat modus, where thoughts are kept in the background and the focus stays for the most part in the present moment. Generally a very pleasant state.

    During the interview Simon said that there is something I keep inside myself – something I do not really look at. We were then discussing that I have…

    Read more of: Experience
  • Harry Miller |

    Most people who are familiar with Buddhism know of the metaphor of the Buddha as a doctor for the world’s ills. I’m going to update this metaphor to the 21st century to describe and explain the Three Characteristics of Impermanence, Dissatisfaction, and No Self.

    Let’s say the Buddha is a doctor and he has his office in any town or village for that matter. He has a nice expansive clean office. I…

    Read more of: A Visit to the Doctor
  • Simon Child |

    Article commissioned by Medytacja magazine (Poland) issue 1 2013. 

    Anyone who has ever tried any meditation will understand what I mean when I say that our minds are often noisy and dull. ‘Noisy’ because we experience the ‘voices’ of our thoughts filling our minds with words and images. ‘Dull’ because we see only a part of our present circumstances and environment, the part which preoccupies us,…

    Read more of: What is Silent Illumination?
  • Simon Child |

    Article commissioned by Medytacja magazine (Poland), issue 1 2013. 

    In his public talks and writings the Dalai Lama often expresses the view that people should stay within their own tradition. If you are someone who is exploring different traditions and practices then you may be surprised and perhaps disappointed by this advice – why shouldn’t you change tradition if that is what you decide to…

    Read more of: The Accidental Buddhist
  • Eddy Street and Rob Stratton |

    Rob has managed to earn a living in photography as a 'professional' while Eddy has the interest of an 'amateur'. They frequently discuss their shared involvement in this activity.

    How extraordinary! How extraordinary!
    The insentient express the way! How mysterious!
    If you listen with the ears it is incomprehensible
    If you hear sounds with the eyes it is truly knowledgeable.

    By Way of…

    Read more of: Hearing Photos: an Exploration by Eddy Street and Rob Stratton
  • Ken Jones |

    I turn up the flame
    from the snaking wick
    coiled in my flammable heart

    Although he is my lifelong friend I’m in two minds about him. Sometimes I don’t recognise him at all, with his ugly old face. Or I don’t like the way he can behave.

    Perched on the wing mirror
    robin preens himself
    and shits

    Then I play at being top dog and growl at him. But when he’s being helpful and kind, now there’s a man…

    Read more of: Who?
  • George Marsh |

    Traditional koan study under a fierce Japanese Roshi is tough.

    …each session had its own special terror. Novice monks were repeatedly whacked with a kyosaku that looked more like a long baseball bat. Monitors patrolled the room menacingly, taunting and poking with the stick to see if your attention would wander from Mu. But zendo drama paled in comparison to meeting Mu in the dokusan room. “What…

    Read more of: Meaningless that makes Sense: Working with Mu


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