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The Boat Monk and the 'Zenny' Teacher
Eddy Street |Based on a talk given at the Scout Hut, Canton Cardiff May 2014
There are many Zen stories that are important for us to know. These stories are often dialogues between Masters and their students with the most well-known of them found in the collections of koans such as ‘The Book of Serenity’ and ‘The Blue Cliff Record’. These collections were assembled by the compilers, who then provided…
Basho’s “Form” on the Subject of “Emptiness”
George Marsh |Matsuo Basho was the great innovator in haiku poetry in 17th century Japan. He was also a Zen Buddhist, though he seems to have been sometimes a Buddhist priest and at other times a travelling poet, sometimes in a black robe, sometimes not. He was also an innovator in writing prose travel journals: the haibun form, which was a prose journal with haiku poems.
The haiku aesthetic was already well…
The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra: an explication
Simon Child |We’ve been reciting the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra as part of the Morning Service. It’s not an easy text to understand so we may end up reciting words blindly without really knowing what we’re reciting. Sometimes – and I don’t think I’ve done it for a while – I talk through the Heart Sutra to give you an idea of what’s in there. We can begin with the title: what it’s about, where it comes from.
Five Haiku
Jos Hadfield |Standing in the yard,
my face turned up to the sky;
soft blessings of rain.Shimmering orange
of the tree’s pyrotechnics;
the dark bracken rests.Backlit by a flame
I see my projection,
watchfully waiting.I look down to see
two old hands resting on my lap;
winter is coming.I was thinking of
the purity of lotus blossoms,
and slipped in the mud. -
Two Poems: Quiet Mind; Day Retreat in York March 2015
David Valentine-Hagart |Quiet Mind
When the quiet mind comes
I am moving up steadily
Hold after hold
Rock is under my hands
Under my feet
Sky above
Earth belowWhen the quiet mind comes
I am in the midst of music
Note following note
Hands, steel and timber
All one
As each song unfoldsWhen the quiet mind comes
I am ocean floating
On a glassy board
Waiting for the only wave
That will carry me
To shoreWhen the quiet mind comes
I am… -
Mindful Running as a Way to Greater Joy and Equanimity
Stuart Mcleod |Over the last five years, I have been offering workshops that blend a range of mindfulness-based practices with running and explore what it means to bring a mind orientated towards present moment awareness into physical activity.
My work in this area in fact began in 2017 when I co-created and supported a five-day WCF retreat led by Jake Lyne, which we called Zen Meditation and Running. Based at…
The Diamond Sutra
Edd Phillips |The Diamond Sutra is one of the most well-known of the Prajnaparamita sutras (perfection of wisdom texts) of Mahayana Buddhism and takes the form of a discourse between the Buddha and one of his elder disciples, Subhuti, before a large assembly of monks. In this encounter, the Buddha strips away one by one his disciple’s misconceptions and doubts, each time refining the questions posed. Throughout…
Jake Lyne |Look up!
Soot grey snowflakes
dancing, whirling, falling, landing –
white side up. -
Book Review: Illumination by Rebecca Li
Jeremy Woodward |A Guide to the Buddhist Method of No-Method
This book feels familiar, like a homecoming, with its frequent references to Masters Sheng Yen, John Crook and Simon Child – Rebecca Li’s three teachers to whom she dedicates it. It is also simultaneously very challenging.
Rebecca’s background, born in Hong Kong and then studying in America while being the regular translator for Master Sheng Yen over…
There is No Time. What is Memory?
Eddy Street |This is a questioning koan that John Crook referred to many times in his talks. His story about his encounter with this was that when he was in Hong Kong doing his national service in 1954, he was taken to Po Lam Chan Monastery on Lantau Island and over an arch leading to the monastery there were inscribed some Chinese characters. Under the arch these were translated as ‘There is no time. What is…
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