Dharma Library
A large collection of articles, from past issues of New Chan Forum and more besides.
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Introduction to Meditation
Simon Child |An introduction for those new to meditation and for those who wish to develop their meditation further.
What is Meditation?
We are used to the concepts of training the body in a skill or for fitness or dexterity, and of training the mind in factual knowledge or in a mental skill such as arithmetic. Meditation is many things but it is none of these. Meditation is a training of the mind to be…
Ken Jones: In memoriam
Hilary Richards |It is with sadness that we announce the death of Ken Jones at his home in Aberystwyth on Sunday August 2nd 2015
Ken was a superb teacher and a good friend to many of us. He was a founder member of the WCF and supported Chan Master John Crook in establishing the WCF in its early years. Ken led many retreats at the Maenllwyd. His main focus for teaching was to bring the practice of Zen into…
Silent Illumination February 2015
Anonymous |Extracts from a report on the Silent Illumination retreat of February 2015.
Simon gives another amazing, and uncannily accurate, Dharma talk. It is a huge relief to hear about compassion in Chan. Simon says, “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re all on a solitary retreat” – that would explain it! If this is a solitary retreat, albeit with supportive conditions, no wonder I’ve been…
Western Zen Retreat with Hilary and Rebecca, February 2015
Anonymous |I was amazed to see how much came up during the communication exercises.
It went on till the last exercise unhindered by my attempt to tie things up and put a nice bit of wrapping paper around them.
It can be summarized in 'Who am I when nothing is happening?' because I really do not know who I am when I am not continually adding to my sense of self by putting a few more compliments in my nice…
Being With
Simon Child |A Dharma talk from a 10-day intensive Silent Illumination retreat at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center, May 23 to June 1, 2014
Common misunderstandings
Yesterday everybody had an interview. One of the purposes of interview is to respond to your questions. Perhaps we also need to respond to the questions you didn’t think of asking because you thought you knew (but you were wrong.) We [the…
Connected Practice For Wesak: An Experiment For Lay Chan Practitioners
Hilary Richards |The sangha is important for Buddhist practice. It is the third Jewel of Refuge. However, it is not always possible for people physically to come together either for short meditation sessions or for longer periods on retreat. In order to address this and as part of the invitation to develop new ideas and experiments in Chan, the Western Chan Fellowship offered a “virtual” sangha event to allow…
Finding a Way to Practise
Simon Child |A talk given at a weekend retreat 28th April 2013 1
Bodhidharma’s no dependence
Bodhidharma, the 28th Patriarch in India, lived around a thousand years after the Buddha. He brought Chan to China, establishing the Chan tradition and becoming known as the First Patriarch of Chan. He was not the first to bring Buddhism to China; Buddhism was already there, as represented in the famous story of…
Glimpsing myself
Anonymous |I had never been on any kind of retreat before I arrived at the Western Zen retreat at Maenllwyd in November. It was something I had been building up to for quite some time. I knew I was searching for a path, and I was increasingly convinced that this may help me to begin walking it. But I didn’t know what to expect from my time. Some 15 years before, I had done a brief Buddhist meditation course,…
Unethical Zen Masters
Simon Child, Chuan-fa Jing-hong |Article commissioned by Medytacja magazine (Poland) issue 4 2013.
There have been several well-publicised scandals involving unethical behaviour by Zen masters. This is not a uniquely Zen problem, nor a uniquely Buddhist problem – there have also been similar problems involving other religions, for example with Christian priests – but I'm going to talk about it from the Zen perspective since that…
The Middle Way
Simon Child, Chuan-fa Jing-hong |This article is based on the Teacher’s Address to the AGM of the Western Chan Fellowship on 23rd March 2013.
The Buddha's Life
As we all know, the Buddha was born as a prince and to encourage him to remain in the palace and become the next king his father ensured that he lived a life full of luxuries and indulgences. But he became very concerned about the issue of human suffering and he left the…
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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.