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  • Rosalind Cuthbert |

    'Ploughing the Bright Field' was the title of an exhibition of contemporary Buddhist art, held at the Create Centre, Bristol, in November 1997.

    The exhibition attracted around 500 visitors during a fortnight. It showed the work of 20 artists from all over the country. Most were professional artists whose work is either partly or wholly inspired by Buddhist practice. A few were artists whose work…

    Read more of: The Bright Field Ploughed
  • Ann Dickman |

    There seems to be a question: 'Can I be enlightened if I'm not a monk/nun?' Possibly not often for lay people, but can Buddhist teachings and practice improve the quality of our lives - the answer is a resounding 'Yes'.

    A lay practitioner is constantly faced with personal obstacles, disagreements, tensions and difficulties which can lead to days and weeks of self analysis or can be ridden over…

    Read more of: Shifting Shit
  • Carol Evans |

    I had always loved my father's hands. They seemed to be the only part of him I could love in safety.

    I could love them in secret and in silence and my mother would never know. I could look at them when she was out of the room, cooking in the kitchen, banging the pots and pans as she worked.

    She was an angry woman who had been forced to marry my father when she was only twenty years old because…

    Read more of: My Father's Hands
  • Anonymous |

    This was my first retreat of any kind and it was very difficult to start with the rigorous Chan approach. However, I felt very privileged to be accepted onto the retreat and I did not want to miss such an incredible opportunity to improve my practice. I undertook the retreat on the basis of intuition; it seemed entirely the right thing to do and the right time to be doing it.

    Three years ago Zen…

    Read more of: What has Happened to the Entity that was Me?
  • Ryder Lake |

    Who are you?
    You pretend to not know.
    Of course you know who you are!
    It is you, holding the page
    reading the marks on this piece of paper.

    It is you, reading my mind
    with the sound of your voice.

    And who am I?
    I am you.
    Sharing thought.
    E V E R Y T H I N G .

    You, in manifestation,
    are on the frontier
    of your/self.

    You will see yourself,
    out there,
    in the world,
    doing so many things.

    Make them all…

    Read more of: Hi There
  • Magdalena Babdyga |

    beyond words
    sometimes too numerous
    at other times not enough
    beyond time
    beyond its dynamics,
    into what was
    into what is.
    beyond forgetfulness
    beyond the danger
    of taking the past for the present
    illusion for reality.
    beyond the mind
    feeding on words, concepts,
    beyond imagination
    pulsating with images, dreams,
    beyond emotion, uncertain, fecund
    beyond escape,
    beyond departure
    beyond everything
    there is…

    Read more of: Beyond
  • John Crook |

    for Hughie

    High in the hills of Wales
    somewhere above Ceredigion
    a fenceless gate swings in the wind.

    Bold spirit are you?
    A rugged glance, good boots or a 4 by 4
    and you're away.

    among sheep and ravens
    cloudwise among crags
    bogs and sudden mist

    a falling white out
    lost in the desert
    chilly too.

    Coming down a valley no one ever saw before
    the dead still sing in the Inn.
    Finding a way home not so easy…

    Read more of: The Fenceless Gate
  • Pamela Hopkinson |

    Driving home from the January Mahamudra retreat I thought obsessively about taking up the opportunity to cook. Finally, decided to drop it, not think about it for a few days and just see if the situation clarified.

    Next morning, the postman knocked and handed over a parcel. It turned out to contain a Christmas present from my brother - a teapot and a book on vegetarian cooking! I decided the…

    Read more of: Learning to be a Zen Cook
  • Eddy Street |

    I've been throwing basketballs for almost as long as I have been sitting. At about the same time that I began to sit regularly I started attending a Keep Fit evening class where basketball is the staple diet. So most Thursday evenings will see me along with a group of similarly middle aged and slightly overweight (?) men running up and down a gym trying to throw a ball into a suspended basket.


    Read more of: Sacred Hoops by Phil Jackson
  • David Fontana |

    Some years ago, when I was younger and cleverer than I am now, I would have known exactly what to write when invited to contribute an article on Chan.

    As it is, I thought to write of counselling and psychotherapy, for there is no doubt that the Buddha dispensed a powerful medicine, strong enough to quench the fever in this world and the next; to examine the nature of what arises, moment by…

    Read more of: Greek Flavoured Chan


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The articles on this website have been submitted by various authors and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Chan Fellowship.